
One of THOSE days....

Well, today has been one of "THOSE" kind of days! You know...the kind that never seem to go the way you planned, no matter how hard you try. I think we are at the point in the summer where all the vacations are over, the newness of hanging out at home is gone, and the no routine has become, well, too routine! I had visions of a good day, and it started out pretty well, but the middle part of the day definitley hit bottom. As nap times have ended and the day turns to evening, we can hope that things only go up from here!

Here are a few pictures of the sidewalk chalk creations the kids and I made this morning. I wanted pictures of them actually making the creations, but I had to settle for pictures of the final project without the kiddos. They weren't in to picture taking today....just another example of the kind of day it has been.

Alex's Jet Ski....use your imagination and you can actually see the jet ski : )

Alex and I decided the big creature in the middle of the picture is a hammerhead shark. He said he just drew a creature and then decided what it was. I'm not an art person, so I do't know if that is considered Modern Art or something else. : )

Looking at all these pictures does tell me that we did have some fun today in spite of the things that were not so fun... Please tell me I am not the only one that has these kinds of days! The good thing is that tomorrow is a new day! : )