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A few more beach pics.....

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KerrisKorner said...

So Fun!! Welcome to the land of blogging! It's highly addictive and you'll spend many hours of your precious "nap time" reading random blogs, asking yourself why am I doing this?? BECAUSE ITS SO FUN! Glad to keep up with the Allreds and all your happenings. Cute blog name!

Emerging Kurt said...

You guys are looking good!

jana said...

Looks like a beautiful vacation spot! Glad you guys are blogging now! I'm with Kerri, nap times fly when reading everyone's blog updates!

Holly Green said...

Hey Guys! I ran across your blog through kerriskorner. Welcome to the addictive world of blogging. Your kiddos are so cute, they don't even look the same since I saw them last. Hope you are having a fun filled summer!

Scarlett Martin said...

Hello, Allred family!!!! OK, so I don't blog but I am so excited you do:) We miss you guys! Glad you had fun at the beach....I still can't believe how close you are to it. Merri Anna, I am reading the Mitford series by Jan Karon and thought of you. I think it takes place in N. Carolina instead of South but I imagine Rockhill being somewhat like Mitford. Keep posting pictures. They are adorable!