
A blog by any other name....

Well, Ryan and I have been talking about creating a family blog for a while now. However, neither of us has actually gotten around to doing anything about it. So, as kids are taking afternoon naps, I decided today was the day to get started. Now, this is the Merri Anna version. Ryan has visions of grandeur....as his grander plans take shape, I will let you know and share his blog with you as well. For now though you are stuck with me and 2+2=4.

I've spent a large portion of the last 2 days thinking about my blog name. The teacher in me is always trying to come up with something cutsie and "teacher-y". But I didn't want just cutsie, I wanted something that would truly represent our family. And then, it popped in my head.

So, where did 2+2=4 come from..... basically it is a good description of our family! There are 4 of us: 2 parents and 2 kids; 2 males and 2 females; it is a math equation.....Ryan and Alex love those. And as much as the librarian in me would love for Alex to want to spend his summer learning to read, he is much more interested in math and numbers and science and how things work. Yikes....another little Ryan in the making. So I guess I should really thank Alex for naming my blog. He has been working hard this summer to grasp the concept of adding, and he constantly walks around telling me that 2+2=4.... 2cars + 2tractors= 4, 2dinosaurs + 2insects= 4, 2soccer balls + 2baseballs= 4.....and 2Allreds + 2Allreds = 4!

Check back to see what us 4 Allreds have been up to and please keep us updated on your life as well!