
The Days Before Christmas

I truly believe that no one enjoys days off from work more than school teachers! I don't know why....but there is immense joy in knowing that I have time at home with MY kids for several days! Other parents are usually grumbling because their kids are going to be home and they have to figure out what to do with them for 2 weeks, but for me and my kiddos, those days are golden! I get to spend plenty of time with other people's kids and I love the time I have with just MINE!!! As my kids have gotten older the days and time at home with them is even better! We have so much fun just being together. Yeah...we do have some errands to run and things (like laundry and grocery shopping) that have to be done, but my children LOVE getting to spend half the day in their PJs. Alex thinks getting to eat breakfast in his pajamas is the best thing ever! And I must admit, waking up in the 7:00 hour to go to the gym is MUCH better than the alarm going off at 4:30 AM!!!

So, in our "days before Christmas" we have visited with Santa (see previous post), gone out to lunch, made and decorated Christmas Cookies, visited Gaffney to hear Gan and Mrs. Allison play their Organ/Piano duet of Christmas Music, and we have gone to see a movie! Here are some pics of our "Days Before Christmas"! I hope you and your family have a chance to enjoy your days before the big day!