Alex and one of his buddies from school ended up on the same team. They are reviewing their game strategy before one game! : )
This is what I mean when I say Alex isn't into the game when he plays goalie! He;s watching the games on all the other fields around us.
And yes, this is what Emily does at the games. She is usually dirty from preschool and then she takes down her hair and creates Emily styles. And usually she dances around and sings to entertain herself and anyone else who might listen to her!
Alex has been playing soccer for several years now. However, this fall soccer season is the first time his games have been even halfway competitive. And guess what I found out..... "I am one of THOSE moms"! Yeah, you know the one...cheering, yelling, intense. The other moms are asking me the score because they haven't been paying attention. I guess I shouldn't really be surprised...I have been going to football games my whole life and love watching the game and all the yelling, competition, etc. I, however do not yell at refs or yell at the kids if they make a bad play. (I do have standards, you know!) I have on several occasions "encouraged" Alex to pay attention....especially when the coach has him play goalie. He absolutely hates playing goalie. Take a look at the pic above that shows Alex leaning against the goal totally unengaged in the game as the goalie. Now put him in as a forward or playing defense and he is all into it! It has been a fun season. Tonight is his last game. He says he wants to play baseball again in the spring, so for now, I can put away the yelling soccer mom, until she returns as the yelling baseball mom!
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