
100 Days

As of Friday, January 29th, Alex has been in school 100 Days. In order to celebrate the 100th day of school, each student in Alex's class had to choose 100 items to display on a poster board and bring it to school. I was very proud of Alex! He came up with the idea for his project all by himself! He asked Ryan and I to help with some parts, but he did all the creative thinking himself! He wanted to use 100 pieces of bubblegum. He first talked about grouping them into groups of 5 or 10 and then he decided he wanted to draw something and fill it in with the bubblegum. So we made one BIG piece of bubblegum out of 100 little pieces. I helped him draw the outline of the big piece of bubblegum and together we used the gluegun to glue on all the pieces of gum. We had fun and he was proud of his work. And, his daddy and I are proud of all the hard work he has done during his first 100 days of Kindergarten! Only 80 days left before he will be ready to be a first grader!

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