I cannot believe he is 6 years old! It seems like just yesterday he was toddling around Lake Pointe in his cute little Strasburg outfits! Happy Birthday Alex!
Thanks Holly! I am sure those pictures I have of him toddling around in Strasburg outfits are going to be pics he's going to wish never existed in a few more years! : ) He is a good boy and he still loves to give Ryan and me hugs and kisses and sometimes even wants to crawl up in our laps for some snuggle time! It definitely happens less than it used to, but we are going to enjoy every minute of it that we can.
I'm a 34 year old wife of a pastor, mom of 2, teacher/library media specialist. I love shopping, chocolate, reading, Starbucks, my Clemson Tigers, and spending time with all my friends and family! I am happy to be back in South Carolina,close to family and friends I've been away from for so long, BUT I miss the great state of Texas and all the friends that made it so special. I also miss really good Tex-Mex food! My life is full and busy and crazy, but I wouldn't know what to do if things were any different! My motto: Live, Laugh, Love
I cannot believe he is 6 years old! It seems like just yesterday he was toddling around Lake Pointe in his cute little Strasburg outfits! Happy Birthday Alex!
Thanks Holly! I am sure those pictures I have of him toddling around in Strasburg outfits are going to be pics he's going to wish never existed in a few more years! : ) He is a good boy and he still loves to give Ryan and me hugs and kisses and sometimes even wants to crawl up in our laps for some snuggle time! It definitely happens less than it used to, but we are going to enjoy every minute of it that we can.
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