
Kindergarten here we come!!!!

Alex then....

Alex now...

It is hard to believe that in 2 weeks I will have a child old enough to start school. I cannot believe that 5 years has already flown by so quickly. It truly does seem like yesterday that Ryan and I were anxiously awaiting the arrival of Alex! We have not had one dull moment since he came into the world! He is a super sweet boy, who is wild and rambunctious at times, but he loves life, loves people, and has approximately 1 million questions that he wants answered in 1 millisecond! He likes to try new things, but he wants to be great at whatever it is immediately....a quirk he got from both me and his dad. We are going to have to work on that one...you don't get it right the first time, every time! He is very competitive (another inherited trait, I am afraid)! All I have to do is tell him I am timing him and anything gets done quickly! He is trying out the world of soccer and baseball and seems to love both! I am hoping that he will pick one someday so that we are not running around like chickens with our head cut off trying to get from one sports practice to another!

I know that when kids get ready to start to Kindergarten, parents are filled with all kinds of emotions! Since I teach school, I have seem many of those emotions play out year after year on the first day of school. Some are excited and send their kids in with hugs and kisses, others linger outside the classroom door to see how their child will do once inside, others are crying for days leading up to the first day of school and have their kids so freaked out that mom is crying all the time that they spend the whole first day or two in tears as well, some don't care one way or another, they are just glad to have some free babysitting for the next 7 years of their kids' life, and then there are those who I have probably had the most contact with.....the ones who refuse to let go of their sweet baby and let them go in their classroom so they hang out in the classrooms, the hallways, and anywhere else they can find a spying point to watch their kid. I have seen those the most because they are the ones that I am usually trying to help get back out the school door to their cars and off school property until dismissal time!

Now though, it's my turn...what kind of kindergarten parent will I be? Granted, my view point is a little different. I have been surrounded by the school world my whole life. My mom is a teacher, I am a teacher, and Alex will be starting Kindergarten in the school where I work. I have moments when I watch Alex do something or say something and I do get quite teary-eyed that my first baby is growing up, but come August 19th I want to be the mom that sends him into his classroom excited with hugs and kisses (more likely it will be high-fives because he probably want let me kiss him in front of people...we can take bets on that part and I will let you know how it goes!) encouraging him to do his best and be his best with the talents and gifts God has given him! I'll let you know how it goes!

My prayer has been and continues to be that God gives Ryan and me the wisdom we need to give Alex the best opportunity to become the man God wants him to be! Every day is a new adventure and I am sure there will be many new ones as we face the real world @ school!

Just a side note: Because I do actually have to work the first day of school, and that usually means I end up directing CRAZY parent traffic for at least an hour and a half (because the parents who are so happy school has started won't leave), Ryan is actually going to bring Alex to school and do the whole drop-off routine! So it may be August, 20th that I have to be the mom who sends him off with hugs and kisses! Does that mean I can cry like a baby on the 19th? I guess I could, but I doubt it! I truly cannot wait to see how Alex embraces school, friendships, and dealing with his mom "always being down the hall! There will probably be many more blog posts to come about what happens when your kids goes to the same school where you teach! Good idea?.....we will have to wait and see!


Holly Green said...

I cannot believe that Alex is old enough for school! I will totally be one of those crying parents. Anytime I even think of sending Sophia off to school next year it makes me all teary eyed! He is going to do great, and you are so lucky that you will be right down the hall so you will always be in the loop.

Katie said...

Wow - what a big step! I would guess that Alex is ready for the adventures of school, and that he'll do wonderfully. You'll do great, too ... you'll probably be too busy to worry about what's happening in his class until the day is over. Good luck. Thinking of you!