
Snow Day!

Today is a SNOW DAY! We woke up this morning to 28 degree weather and snow falling. No school today. We were outside playing in the snow at about 8:00 this morning. Alex was thrilled to see the snow and Emily was super excited. This is the first time she has really seen snow! It snowed a little the year we moved to SC, but since then we haven't really seen any. It snowed most of the morning, and I enjoyed opening all the blinds to see the snow falling while I enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate! The sun is starting to shine and the snow is starting to disappear....it looks like we will back to a regular schedule tomorrow. It has definitley been fun to see this little touch of winter!


Andrea said...

So much fun!!! Couldn't believe our schools were canceled down here for our little dusting. Looks beautiful at your house!!!

Holly Green said...

How fun is that? I am still waiting for our one day of snow down here in Texas! I won't hold my breath.