
Soccer Season

Alex participated in his first round of organized sports this fall. We signed him up for an indoor YMCA league. Honestly, I was a bit selfish in how I chose which league to sign up for.....this one lasted for 7 weeks and was only 1 afternoon a week. It sounded like a good deal to me. Alex gets a chance to try out something new, but yet we weren't pouring a whole lot of time or cash into it if it ended up not being his "thing". We had a great time! One of his little buddies from church also signed up to play so they were on the same team. I know I am a proud mama and everything, but I have to admit...Alex is a pretty good beginning player. Now, I will admit, this league didn't do much in the way of teaching the basic rules of soccer. The goal was to get the kids all running in the same direction towards their goal and try to score without anyone getting injured! We had one week where 2 of our goalies were taken out by flying balls. Alex is a smart boy.....after that game he told us he did not want to play goalie, and he didn't for the entire 7 weeks! However, he became very good at playing defense! And he is a fast runner! I think we are probably onto something a little more involved next time around. He says he wants to play soccer outside next time. If our schedule works out he will probably go to a soccer day camp in the summer and then we will move on from there. So, at least for 7 weeks this fall, I was in a brand new category...."soccer mom"! Alex may give t-ball a try this spring, but for right now we are taking the rest of the fall and winter off from our sports adventures. For now, those will take place in the backyard and the playroom at home!

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