

Today was Alex's first day of 4 year old Kindergarten. And in his word it was "AWESOME"! He is going to the same school this year that he did last year and knows a few of the boys and girls in his class. He met his teacher on Sunday afternoon at Preschool Popsicles and Playtime @ the Playground. It was lots of fun! His teacher is originally from Texas, so never fear, Alex will not lose those Texas roots this year! I think he is going to have a great year! We will have to see what new things he learns as he goes through the year! He is starting to get interested in the whole reading thing! He was even able to read a page in one of his books last night. It was really exciting to watch him figure out the words. I get to see kids do that same thing every year at school, but it is really special when it is your own little boy who is doing the reading!

Below are a few pictures of Alex before he headed off to school this morning! I am turning into one of "those mothers" who makes my children take random pictures for the sake of tradition.....oh well, it won't kill them! Please notice the backpack...Alex was very proud of his camo backpack (that he picked out himself) with Clemson Tiger Orange letters on the front. (no redneck jokes, please!! : )

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It's that time...

Well, it's that time of year...Back-to-School time! In my life, the year is measured from August to July instead of January to December like most of the population. Things have happened this week that prove "Back-to-School" is just around the corner. Here's what has been going on this week:

  • Mommy and Alex shopped for his 4K school supplies and a new backpack on Monday.
  • Mommy made "Back-to-School" Lasagna on Monday. (This is when Mommy makes a really large recipe of lasagna and most of it gets frozen for those days this fall when school ends and dinner begins all about the same time.)
  • Mommy and Alex spent Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning at mommy's library trying to clean up and organize for the coming year.
  • We made multiple stops at several random stores getting really random things that mommy needs to make the year go smoothly.
  • Alex got his welcome back to school letter and found out who his teacher would be this year. We had been waiting all week for the letter to arrive.

I officially start back to school on Monday. This will be year #2 as an India Hook Elementary Pirate for me. Last year there was a lot of adjustment. I expect some of the same again this year, but at the same time I am excited to see what all lies ahead.

Good luck to all of you who will be going "Back-to School" with me over the next few weeks! And to those of you who have little ones who will be going to school for the very first time....Good Luck! The teacher in me wants to tell you......Your kids will be fine. They will adjust quickly and have FUN! Give them a hug and a kiss and leave so that teachers can get the school year started. The mommy in me says.... Give them a hug and a kiss and linger outside their classroom door just to make sure they're okay and to get a quick glimpse at what they look like as "big kids" in Kindergarten! And then, turn around and get to your car as quickly as possible, grab the box of Kleenex that you conveniently placed in the passenger seat before going inside the school, and cry until you feel better! : ) Happy Back-to-School Season!


Daddy's Birthday!

We were able to celebrate Ryan's birthday on Monday! The kids and I had fun getting ready for his "party". We actually surprised Ryan with a brand new grill. Alex managed to keep it a secret for an entire week! The grill we have been using was 10 years old...it was a wedding gift. And it has been well used and well loved! It was time for the "grill-man" to get an upgrade! Alex, Emily and I took daddy out to dinner and then we came home and had the best part of the celebration...... BIRTHDAY CAKE!

Alex and Emily truly believe that its a HUGE crime to have a birthday with no cake. And we love the fact that Ryan has a summer birthday because we are able to have one of our favorite kinds of birthday cake..... a Baskin Robbin's Ice Cream Cake. Ryan is a great daddy and husband and we hope we get to celebrate many more birthdays together (with ice cream cake, of course)!